The Town Planning and Zoning staff works with developers, landowners, residents and the Town Council, helping to guide them through the Town’s growth process while still maintaining its character and vitality. Staff encourages development in accordance with guidelines from the Land Use Code which was established by the Town Council. In addition, the department is dedicated to consistently working with the Town’s vision, strengthening both its character and economy.
Click the link(s) below to access the Town of Hayden’s current planning and zoning applications.
The Town of Hayden contracts with the Routt County Regional Building Department for issuing building permits and performing inspections.
The permit process starts with registering at the Routt County Regional Building Department website, completing a permit application, and submitting draft plans online. If you need help completing the application, you are welcome to stop by Town Hall.
If you need additional assistance, have questions or need help, please contact the Routt County Building Department directly. You can also visit Routt County website and choose the Town of Hayden Link.
The Hayden Development Code is responsible for guiding development within Hayden Town limits.
The 2022 Zoning map was prepared from the best data available at the time of printing. Parcel ownership lines are derived from Routt County Geographic Information System Department’s mapping for the area in and around the Town of Hayden.
Zoning district boundaries are intended to be property ownership lines or lot lines; centerlines of streets, alleys or extensions thereof; channel waterways or similar rights-of-way; the centerlines of blocks, sections or township lines; town corporate boundaries, the centerlines of stream beds; or other lines drawn approximately to scale on the Official Zoning Map.
The Hayden Forward Master Plan was adopted on January 21, 2021
Town of Hayden Housing Needs Assessment (summer 2022)
Town of Hayden Housing Action Plan (fall 2022)
If you would like to move an existing sign or hang a new sign, complete our sign permit.
Office: 970-276-3741 ext. 14 Mobile: 970-457-7216 Email: tegan.ebbert@haydencolorado.org