The Town of Hayden provides water utilities to those living in Town. Utility bills are mailed the last business day of every month. The amount due is for the previous month’s usage and is due on the tenth (10th) of the following month. To avoid a penalty, please make sure your bill is paid by the twentieth (20th) of the month following the bill.
Water meters are read each month to determine your water usage. The previous month’s reading, current month’s reading, and current usage, are listed at the top of the bill on the left stub. The majority of our meters are read via a radio signal so there is little possibility of an erroneous read. If you feel that your reading is incorrect, please contact the Town Hall at (970) 276-3741.
Base Fees are based on one Single Family Equivalent (SFE)
3/4″ and 5/8″ Meter Size (1 SFE)
Additional Service Fees
Rates for water usage are designed to encourage water conservation. Sewer rates are calculated each year in January and are based on the prior year’s water usage. The usage for the following months of October – December and January – April are averaged. This method is used as water is not being used during these months for irrigation of outdoor plants and lawns, which does not impact the sewer system. The rate stays fixed at this calculated amount until the following calendar year.
The rates are as follows:
Qualified senior citizens, those aged 65 or over, receive a 40% discount on water rates. Out-of-town users are charged double the associated in-town rate.
The metered rate for bulk water users is:
If the account balance is delinquent for two (2) consecutive months, you will receive a Disconnect Notice around the twentieth (20th) of the month. This Notice will reflect the total amount due and a final payment/shut off date. A disconnect fee of $30 plus a reconnect fee of $30 for a total of $60 will be incurred for all water services that are terminated from a disconnect notice.
If payment is not made prior to the Shut Off Due Date, a door hanger will be placed on the premises indicating the date and time the shut off will occur. If you receive one of these, please make the full payment by the date and time indicated at Town Hall. To make payment after hours, please use the drop box located to the left side of the main entrance door of Town Hall on 178 West Jefferson Avenue or pay on www.xpressbillpay.com
Our online bill payment option saves you time and gives you more flexibility in how you pay your bill.
If you have an Internet connection and an e-mail address, you can now pay your bill online. It’s fast, it’s easy, and you no longer have to write a check each month or find a stamp when it’s time to send in your payment.
We have partnered with Xpress Bill Pay, the premier provider for online bill payment systems.
When you sign up for online bill payment you get a unique password that you use to access your personal account at XpressBillPay.com. Every month we’ll send you a reminder e-mail to let you know when your bill is online.
Then, just log in through your Web browser and view your bill, which will look like the paper statement you’re familiar with. Select a payment type — credit card, debit card, or electronic funds transfer — enter the information, and you’re done!
It’s that easy, and it only takes you a few minutes each month.