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Harvest Drive Road Closure

Harvest Dr Rolling Closure

Between August 25 – 27, Harvest Drive will be closed from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. for chip seal maintenance.

Chip Seal Placement

  • A layer of asphalt oil (chip binder) is applied to the road when the weather is sufficiently warm and dry.

  • This step is immediately followed by a layer of crushed rock, creating a “chip seal.”

  • The chips are pressed into place by a roller and the road is immediately usable. However, the compaction and adherence of chips to the asphalt binder improves with time. SLOW traffic is recommended.

  • Crews will return within a week to sweep up loose gravel.

During Chip Seal Construction

  • Crews will post signs before work is expected to begin.

  • Roads will remain open, but may be reduced to one lane or temporally closed with flaggers.

  • Driveway access may be temporarily impacted while the work is completed directly in front of the residence.

  • Crews will make every effort to minimize delays during work.

  • Roads will be open to traffic at the end of each work day.

  • Slow speeds will minimize the likelihood of loose chips and possible damage to a vehicle’s body or windshield. Faster speeds and turning movements may compromise the resulting quality and life expectancy of the new road surface.

Questions? Call 970-276-3741