05 Jun 2020 Routt County Fair Limited Due to COVID-19 Impacts
Plans for 4-H and FFA Livestock Shows and Sale in Development
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO – June 5, 2020 — After weighing all public health and safety concerns along with the directives in the State’s Public Health Order 20-28 dated June 2, 2020, and upon the recommendation of the Fair Advisory Board, the Routt County Board of Commissioners decided to limit the 2020 Routt County Fair scheduled for August 7-16. The County and Fair Board are moving forward and working out details for hosting 4-H and FFA shows and the Junior Livestock Sale.
Routt County and the Fair Advisory Board remain committed to the health and safety of volunteers, participants, and attendees along with adhering to all state and local public health orders, as well as support of local youth in the 4-H and FFA programs. The Fifth Amended Public Health Order 20-28 Safer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors of June 2, 2020, states in section J.#3 that “Due to ongoing concerns regarding disease transmission in larger group setting that could result in disease outbreaks, the following activities are NOT authorized to occur… #3. Rodeos, FAIRS, festivals, and parades.”
Moving forward, the Fair Advisory Board (FAB) and Routt County 4-H will continue working together to coordinate 4-H shows and the Junior Livestock Sale, allowing 4-H and FFA members to complete their projects. They are exploring virtual livestock shows and weighing the advantages of potentially wider audiences by using technology.
The Commissioners voted unanimously to limit the fair, but at the same time move forward with the 4-H and FFA shows and the Junior Livestock Sale. In a joint statement, they said, “This is a sad day when we cannot have a full County Fair. This event is part of our heritage and important to so many families. It hits home and makes us realize the effects of COVID-19. We are committed to making the best of an unusual and challenging situation. Continuing with the 4-H and FFA events will be important for the youth members to be able to complete their projects. We are disappointed that the Fair will need to look so different this year, but we are hopeful in 2021 we can get back to normal with all the Fair activities.
The Routt County Fair has been operating for 106 years, and has only been cancelled 3 times in its history – in 1932, 1933 and 1934 due to lack of funding during the Great Depression.
For questions, concerns, thoughts, or something to contribute, please contact the Fair Office via email (info@routtcountyfair.org) or phone (970) 276-3068.
Please watch the Routt County Fair and Fairgrounds Facebook page and website for updates as they become available.
Contact: Routt County Fair Advisory Board
398 South Poplar Street
P.O. Box 1000
Hayden, CO 81639
(970) 276-3068 (P) ~ (970) 816-9568 (M)
info@routtcountyfair.org ~ www.routtcountyfair.org ~