The Hayden Town Council recognizes the importance of water conservation not only for the long-term maintenance of the water system but also the benefits it creates for the environment and financial benefit it creates for the customer; and acknowledges that a water conservation program is highly encouraged by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment as a best management practice that all water providers in the State of Colorado should adopt. Town Council established and adopted a water conservation program in 2017.
Pursuant to Hayden Municipal Code 22.72.060 , Lawn Sprinkling and Irrigation, the Hayden Town Council authorizes the following water conservation program, which shall apply to all persons receiving water service from the Town of Hayden water system.
– Irrigation shall only be permitted between the hours of 5pm – 8am.
– Even number addresses are permitted to irrigate on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.
– Odd number addresses are permitted to irrigate on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday.
– No irrigation is permitted on Wednesday.
– Second Violation: $50.00 fine.
– Third Violation: $150.00 fine.
– Violations exceeding third violation: Summons to Municipal Court.
Any modifications or if rescinded, prompt posting at official designated posting locations by the Town, Town Hall and Town of Hayden website.