![Water restrictions calendar.](https://haydencolorado.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/2021WaterRestrictions.png)
19 May Town of Hayden Water Restrictions
Effective June 1st – Octover 31st, 2021 the following Water Restrictions are in place:
1. For the purposes of this resolution the conservation program includes water use delivered by the Town of Hayden water system, includes, without limitation, watering or irrigation or sprinkling; and
2. Effective and in full force at stated above; watering, irrigation or sprinkling is restricted in accordance with the following schedule:
a. Irrigation shall only be permitted between the hours of 5pm – 8am.
b. Even number addresses only be permitted to irrigate on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.
c. Odd number addresses only be permitted to irrigate on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday.
d. No irrigation is permitted on Wednesday.
3. The water conservation program measures set forth in this resolution shall not apply to duly licensed person or company engaged in the business of growing or selling plants, trees or other live landscaping stock or vegetation.
4. Persons or businesses found to be violating the conservation program measures set forth in this resolution shall initially be issued a written warning notice and asked to suspend or correct their water use practices. A failure to timely comply with a warning notice or a second violation of the conservation measures shall result in the issuance of a citation per the schedule below:
· Second Violation: $50.00 fine.
· Third Violation: $150.00 fine.
· Violations exceeding third violation: Summons to Municipal Court.
5. Any modifications or if rescinded, prompt posting at official designated posting locations by the Town; Town Hall, Hayden Post Office and Town of Hayden website.
6. Notification of water conservation program in accordance with this resolution shall be posted by the Town Clerk at all officially designated posting locations within the Town and published on the Town’s website, www.haydencolorado.com