Homeowners can take several measures to minimize the accumulation of snow windrows—those large piles of snow left at the end of driveways and along sidewalks by plowing operations:
1. Proper Placement of Snow: When shoveling or using a snow blower, homeowners should aim to discharge snow to the right side (when facing the street). This helps prevent additional snow from being pushed back into the driveway during plowing. Throw your snow into your yard rather than making a large snow bank next to the street. 2. Timing Plowing of Driveways: Shovel or clear driveways after the main plowing operations have taken place. This reduces the chance of snow being pushed back into a freshly cleared space. Shovel before drive over your berm. 3. Consider Professional Help: If heavy snowfall is anticipated, consider hiring a professional snow removal service specializing in keeping driveways clear efficiently, which can minimize the impact of windrows. 4. Regular Snow Removal: Encourage prompt snow removal following snowfall events. Regularly clearing smaller accumulations can help prevent large build-ups and make it easier to manage any windrows left behind. 5. Responsibilities as a homeowner: Homeowners are responsible for cleaning their sidewalks in front of their houses and also are responsible cleaning around fire hydrants. The Town does maintain sidewalks that are considered safe routes to school. 6. Be a Good Neighbor: It is unlawful to push or plow your snow into or across the roadway. Homeowners and residents are responsible for maintaining their own driveways and parking areas. Your snow must be disposed of on your own property. Disposing of snow in roadways will only affect your neighbor. This code will be enforced and fines may apply.