Economic resiliency is a critical component to a functioning society. Hayden has a high base of homeowners who support the Town, and this plan identifies how the Town can leverage the community to foster growth. Hayden’s regional accessibility offers a multitude of opportunities to capitalize on the unique offerings within the Town. Policies and action items outline how the existing residential, historic downtown commercial, natural resources and deeply rooted history can bolster the sustainability of Hayden’s economy.
Hayden’s rich cultural heritage is deeply sown into the bedrock of the community. The policies within this Principle are inspired by the pioneering history of Hayden as well as the community’s desire to be forward thinking. Farming and ranching have been mainstays in the society, and this plan seeks to guide how these elements will transition with Town growth to maintain existing preserved agricultural land and promote new opportunities for local cultivation of food and goods. Recreation is another key component of healthy living and access to open space, parks and trail connectivity is a focus of this plan. Key components of healthy living are included as policies and actions to create a well-rounded community with available, attainable housing and access to public services.
The community members of Hayden prioritized the need to advance the current educational opportunities and quality with a focus on youth as well as postsecondary learning. The obtaining and retention of quality teachers is a key challenge that is addressed in this plan with the goal of enhancing the educational quality for the community. Other opportunities are identified that relate to postsecondary education, multi- modal connectivity to schools and a variety of educational programming.
The Master Plan includes two key sections: (1) Policy Framework and (2) Economic Growth Framework. While each of the sections serves a specific purpose, they are intended to work together. The content and purpose for each section is defined below.